“You don’t have to spend a million to look like a million”
This quote often rings true, and not only with personal style of dress, but with room decoration as well. It’s not necessary to spend a lot of money to make your living room look spectacular. Here are five of our favorite tips to give your living room some pizazz.

Hanging plates is a design trick you’ve probably seen a million times, but perhaps never registered. They look lovely on a breakfront or your walls. You can choose from your own or go antiquing to find some special plates you’d want to display.
Make Your Own Art!
Frames have an amazing way of turning anything into art. Take some drawings you or your children drew back in grade school – even a letter to Santa or a home-made birthday or holiday card – and put it in a gorgeous frame.
Make Your Own Art! Part 2
Blank canvasses are not very expensive in art supply stores, and you can either paint them yourself with your favorite colors to match the room, or you can get the kids to create something special and heartfelt.
Take ordinary items from your favorite big box store and then wrap it in something like a map or an optician’s chart. Broadway show playbills or posters can be glued – and then varnished – onto end tables to give them more depth and artistic value. Corks and/or labels from wine bottles can also be incorporated into a frame to make a beautiful wine label collage. Anything is possible when you repurpose!
Candles and Candlesticks
In addition to the warm light they give off when lit, the right cluster of candles melted together becomes an ever-changing sculpture. As time goes on, you can add more candles allowing you to watch your art change and evolve.